Animal Jam Leap Year Party

In other news, tomorrow is Leap Day, and after Leap Day is March, and hopefully sometime during March will be Spring for the Northern Hemisphere. To celebrate all of these things, Animal Jam has released more Lucky Day items as well as welcomed the Leap Year Party back into Jamaa!

Animal Jam Leap Year Party 2020

I'm going to be honest, I've been waiting so long for this party. It only occurs every 4 years! In 2012, this party was filled with rares such as the Rare Worn and the Rare Beard. However, in this one, it is not. As disappointed as one may be, it's just what it is. This party is themed around frogs since they leap.
This party is based around the Treehouse Den and is not very appealing in appearance. It has a simple design with minimal effects added (which is kinda sad).
The first floor of this party isn't as well designed as the other parties. The furniture you can buy here is far from good and looks kind of ugly in my opinion.
As you can see, you can only buy 6 items, and only 1 is non-member. The items are not worth paying for, though. The design is bland with only the slightest of effort put into them.
The second floor is better designed but still can't compare to any of the other parties. You can buy clothes but, again, they're not incredibly fancy or extravagant.
You can buy the 'Furry Fox Hat,' which is just another version of the Fox Hat with different colours. Again, you can only buy 6 items, but they don't even look that nice.
The third floor is quite tasteless too. I just don't get any feel or vibe to it, yenno what I'm sayin'?
Then, there's a super long slide to slide down from the horror of it all (just kidding, just kidding). All in all, it's not a well designed party and needs some revamping.